The Senate has urged the Government to immediately begin the procedures for the wolf populations north of the Duero to be removed from the List of Wild Species under Special Protection Regime (Lespre) with 156 votes in favor (from PP, EAJ-PNV, Junts, Vox, Unión del Pueblo Navarro (UPN); 92 against (PSOE, BNG, Compromís, Más Madrid); and eleven abstentions (EH Bildu, ERC, Geroa Bai, Agrupación Socialista Gomera.
The initiative, voted in its own terms, is a motion registered by the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities of the Upper House and also demands the repeal of the Order that includes all wolf populations in the LESPRE. Furthermore, it also calls for a review of the Spanish strategy for the conservation of the Iberian wolf to be adapted to current census data. In this sense, it demands the approval of a new strategy with the consensus of the autonomous communities.
The text refers to the position of the Bern Convention, of which the European Union (EU) is a part, and which in December voted in favor of changing the status of the wolf from ‘strictly protected’ to ‘protected’, a decision that came into force on March 6. According to the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities of the Senate, this new position of the EU «is completely contrary to the stubborn position and without any scientific support of the Government of Spain and, specifically, of former minister Teresa Ribera.»
As indicated in the initiative, the consequence of including the wolf in the Lespre has been the «uncontrolled increase» of its population and attacks by the species on livestock. This has resulted in a «critical situation» for the rural population and, more specifically, for the farmers, who see their herds diminish every day due to wolf attacks.
According to the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities of the Upper House, the economic compensations established for the damages are not the solution. «The farmer does not want money, he wants his animals, causing them the loss of the same a psychological damage that endangers the survival of the activity, leading to the abandonment of livestock farms,» it emphasized.