Plenary session of the municipal council for February
The regular plenary session for February began with the intervention of the mayor, Alfredo Canteli, following his statements after the minute of silence held last Saturday for the violent death of Karilenia, at the hands of her partner. The mayor highlighted «his commitment as mayor and personal commitment to equality and the defense of women against the scourge of gender-based violence… The government he presides over is an example in this regard, with 1.6 million euros allocated for the implementation of actions. By promoting equality, such as the implementation of Women’s Chambers, awareness activities, and educational equality projects.» He emphasized, «Something must be done when these crimes continue to occur, despite efforts to prevent them.» He stressed, «Eradicating gender-based violence is a priority for our society and all administrations; we must redouble our efforts to achieve this» and urged the plenary to «work together against gender-based violence.»
Next, the minutes of the extraordinary session on December 26, 2024, and the regular session on January 8, 2025, were approved.
The first item on the agenda was the dismantling of the building and plot located in Manzze (Transfer to the Principality of Asturias for the Medical Office), presented by Mayor Mario Arias and approved by all votes of the plenary, except for the abstentions of the Socialist Municipal Municipal Group.
The approval of the list of assets and rights and requests to the Board of Directors of the Principality of Asturias for the declaration of emergency in the occupation of assets affected by the expropriation file for the execution of the basic project and the construction of a pedestrian connection between the bus and train stations in Oviedo was the next agenda item. Councilor Ignacio Cuesta stated, «This is about making land available for the principality to undertake much-needed work» and highlighted the commitment of the regional administration, municipal technicians, and the municipal secretary, as another example of effective policy serving the citizens. This item was unanimously approved.
The regulation of the economic characteristics of municipal political groups was the next agenda item. In accordance with the provisions of the law regulating the local regime, the Secretary proposed the approval of this item by the plenary. Mayor Mario Arias recalled that «this was a commitment made in 2023» and requested the favorable vote of all groups «to ensure they have the necessary means to carry out their activities in municipal government.» This item received 24 in favor and three abstentions.
The detailed study of Leopoldo Alas governing the management unit (13,683 square meters) was the next item on the plenary order, defended by Councilor Ignacio, who stated that «its approval allows for the recovery of a degraded area in Oviedo,» and was approved by all groups except for the abstentions of socialist councilors.
A specific change in the general planning plan in San Lázaro and for all of Oviedo, on the site of the former institute in this area, was approved with 24 votes in favor. The three councilors from the Oviedo Coordinator abstained.
The next agenda item was the changing representatives of the Municipal Equality Council, which received 26 votes in favor and an abstention from the unopposed mayor, Elena Figaredo.
Following the same line as the previous item, the changing representatives of the Municipal Senior Council were also voted on in the same manner.
Proposals from political groups
The first proposal, presented by the Popular Municipal Group, was regarding the Integral Commercial Plan. Mayor Leticia González highlighted the importance of commerce in the local economy, mentioning that it has been in effect since 2023 and listed all the campaigns and actions carried out since then, such as «Oviedo is Fashion» or the Generational Relief Plan in collaboration with Aje to provide continuity to businesses with special expertise in Oviedo.
After a break in which the municipal corporation, led by the mayor, resigned from the Municipal Council to participate in a «Human Hope with Loss» event organized by the Spanish Association against Cancer on February 4, World Cancer Day, this proposal was left in the plenary.
The second proposal presented by the Popular Municipal Group was regarding the East Park in Ventanielles, which Councilor Ignacio Cuesta argued had been degraded and sought to dispel any populist or demagogic messaging intended to confuse or deceive residents. This process will not be easy or quick, and any other consideration is a lie. It was unanimously approved at this time, with the request by residents to intervene, authorized by the mayor at the end of the plenary.
The next point was the proposal from the Popular Municipal Group regarding the establishment of a Dialogue Table for the organization of holidays and popular activities. It was presented by the Holiday Mayor, Covadonga Díaz, who specified that «the goal is to prioritize citizen participation and develop a self-protection plan, something essential and in line with current regulations, so Oviedo’s holiday model is a model to look up to.» It received unanimous approval.
Emergency proposals
The first emergency proposal, presented by the PSOE, focused on «Higher Education as a Public Service.» La sesión plenaria municipal correspondiente a febrero comenzó con las declaraciones del alcalde, Alfredo Canteli, sobre la importancia de promover la igualdad y la defensa de las mujeres. Se aprobaron las actas de sesiones anteriores y se discutieron varios puntos en la agenda, incluido el desmantelamiento de un edificio en Manzze y la aprobación de la relación de bienes y derechos para la conexión peatonal en Oviedo. También se reguló la asignación económica a los grupos políticos municipales. Todos los puntos fueron aprobados por unanimidad. El punto obtuvo 24 votos a favor y tres abstenciones.
El siguiente punto de la orden del día fue el «Estudio detallado de Leopoldo Alas Detalle que rige la unidad de gestión» (13.683 metros cuadrados), el cual fue defendido por Ignacio Counseler, quien afirmó que su aprobación permitiría la recuperación de un área degradada en Oviedo. Este punto recibió los votos a favor de todos los grupos, excepto por la abstención de consejeros socialistas.
Otro punto discutido fue el «Cambio puntual en el plan de planificación general en San Lázaro y para todos los Oviedo», el cual fue aprobado con 24 votos a favor. Los tres alcaldes del coordinador de Oviedo se abstuvieron.
En cuanto a las propuestas de grupos políticos, se presentaron diversas iniciativas, como el «Plan comercial integral» y el «Parque este en Ventanielles», que recibieron unanimidad en su aprobación.
También se discutieron propuestas de emergencia, como la «Educación universitaria superior como servicio público» y la «Adhesión de Oviedo a la etiqueta turística familiar», las cuales generaron debate y votaciones divididas entre los concejales.
Finalmente, se abordaron otras propuestas relacionadas con la educación especial, la limpieza de las ciudades y la situación de Lands de Rayo Mercadín, entre otros temas, antes de concluir la sesión plenaria. The municipal plenary session for February began with Mayor Alfredo Canteli’s address, emphasizing the commitment to equality and women’s rights. The government’s efforts in promoting gender equality were highlighted, including funding for various initiatives. The urgent need to address gender-based violence was underscored, urging collective action against this societal issue.
Following the Mayor’s remarks, the minutes of previous sessions were approved, setting the stage for the agenda items. The dismantling of a building and plot in Manzze for the Medical Office transfer to the Principality of Asturias was unanimously approved, except for the abstentions from the Socialist Municipal Group.
The approval of property rights and requests to the Principality of Asturias for the pedestrian connection project between bus and railway stations in Oviedo was passed unanimously. This decision aimed to facilitate the regional administration’s essential work and was praised for its beneficial impact on citizens.
Next on the agenda was the regulation of economic characteristics for municipal political groups. The commitment made in 2023 to provide resources for political activities was reiterated, resulting in a majority vote in favor of the proposal.
The detailed study of Leopoldo Alas Management Unit, covering 13,683 square meters, was approved with the majority vote, emphasizing the revitalization of degraded areas in Oviedo. A specific change in the general planning plan for San Lázaro and Oviedo was also approved, focusing on the former institute’s location.
Representative changes in the Municipal Equality Council and Senior Council were discussed and approved with significant support. The proposals put forth by political groups included the comprehensive commercial plan and the creation of a dialogue table for organizing holidays and popular activities.
The comprehensive commercial plan highlighted the importance of local commerce and ongoing campaigns to support businesses in Oviedo. The participation in a humanitarian event organized by the Spanish Association against Cancer was commended, showcasing solidarity on World Cancer Day.
The proposal for the East Park in Ventanielles aimed to address environmental degradation and combat misinformation spread by certain groups. The unanimous support for this initiative reflected a shared commitment to improving public spaces for residents.
The establishment of a dialogue table for holiday organization and popular activities was the final proposal discussed, emphasizing community engagement and coordination for successful events. The plenary session concluded with a call for collaborative efforts to enhance public services and engagement in Oviedo. The mayor of Oviedo, Covadonga Díaz, exhibited it, specifying that «the purpose is to give priority to citizen participation and develop a self-protection plan, for example, something essential and in accordance with current regulations. Therefore, Oviedo’s festive model is a mirror to look at.» Unanimity at this time.
Emergency proposals
The first of the emergency proposals, presented by PSOE, was occupied by «Higher education as a public service». After passing urgently, Mayor Jorge González Monsalve denounced the gradual loss of «higher education as a factor of equality». Therefore, he demanded that «from the local administration, public services be defended and emulated, including the Public University». This point was rejected after only the socialist councilors and those from IU-Convocatoria por Oviedo voted in favor.
The emergency moved on to the second of the initiatives, presented by VOX, to demand «Oviedo’s adherence to the family tourism label» promoted by the Association of Large Families. The spokesperson for this group, Sonsoles Peralta, emphasized «the importance of family tourism, which represents a great opportunity for this city as a reference for family tourism» and estimated that there are 42,000 families who are part of the Association of Large Families. The area’s mayor, Alfredo García Quintana, recalled that Oviedo was the best family-friendly destination in Spain in 2024 and announced that «we are already working on implementing this label.» There were 17 votes in favor from PP, VOX, and councilors. Against those of IU-Convocatoria por Oviedo and abstentions from socialist councilors.
The third of the initiatives passed urgently and dealt with the development of the urban agenda, which were broken down by Mayor Mario Arias, «measures that will likely be European aid aimed at promoting and improving the future and sustainability through different projects.» This point was presented with votes in favor from the entire plenary, except for the two Vox councilors who voted against.
The IU-Convocatoria por Oviedo councilor, Cristina Pontón, presented the following emergency proposals on «Special education colleague» «This continues due to the educational community and not the ministry, to a center that does not comply with accessibility regulations or the established report.» «We will vote in favor as long as it is specified that before the inaction of the ministry, the local council will carry out the works, although it will claim the principality,» said government mayor Ignacio Cuesta. This point was presented with all plenary votes, except for the abstention of the socialist municipal councilor.
Marisa Ponga, PSOE councilor, criticized the «mayor’s attitude regarding his words after the minute of silence» called for the violent death of Karilenia. «Please vote urgently to reprimand him.» The emergency was not presented.
And in accordance with questions from the IU-Convocatoria por Oviedo municipal group related to «Clean cities campaign» Abuses on public roads, implementing a technical analysis working group on «The situation of Lands de Rayo Mercadín» The planned demolition works in the El Cristo area, from one of the socialist municipal groups related to the Real Oviedo sports city and oral prayers, the plenary session ended around three thirty thereafter. Please rephrase