Presentación de la candidatura de Oviedo para la ciudad deportiva europea[embed][/embed]

Just like she did last Friday, the 24th at the International Tourism Fair, Fitur (Madrid), the sports counselor, Conchita Méndez, presented this morning, in the Plenary Hall of the local Council in Oviedo, in front of corporate councilors and the Communication department, the candidacy of Oviedo for the European sports city. Supported by a video with the concept of a journey that our city «is not just a destination, but the origin of a never-ending journey» and an invitation to explore «every corner, every story, every taste, and enjoy sports,» the mayor stated that the images «capture the essence of the path that we started as a government team in 2019 and will continue until 2025, which is the flying goal of what aims to be another element of the city’s sports scene. In the face of the alarm, the pandemic, that forced us to change our roadmap, the entire Oviedo Municipal Council had to reinvent ourselves in the sports field and adapt to the current demands. We had to adjust, take advantage of outdoor activities, routes, cycling trips, launch Nordic walking groups, start using our natural environment for physical activity, which is ultimately what drives us and continues to do so daily in a coordinated manner with the various departments that maintain existing spaces, improving and creating new areas.»

The Municipal Sports Department has been instrumental in «the serious, rigorous, and technical work we have carried out, as by June we must submit a file that includes a series of items detailing the actions we want to start. For everyone and by everyone, because from an early age, the habit of a healthy lifestyle is our way of life, promoting amateur sports, club sports, with the events we have organized over these past five years and have launched, with countless initiatives, focusing on the physical and mental well-being of individuals, which have become part of their lifestyle. We are committed to a healthy sport, with a clear goal of promoting sports and physical activity as a fundamental tool for the development of the younger generation.

Additionally, she mentioned the implementation of sports payments, digitalization of reservations, with our online platform and our presence on all current digital media, making it more accessible to everyone. We cover inclusivity and improving the quality of life of residents through innovative programs and (…) the local council, through the sports department, will continue the path we have started, adding new initiatives, never losing sight of the possibility of work and design prepared by the technical team of the department.

Detailing that this weekend «we will have over 1,800 participants in the Spanish Long Distance Swimming Championship» and in a few weeks the «Spanish Championship and Open Master of adapted swimming,» Conchita Méndez said: «In addition to these events and in parallel, we are working on the development of a website, which will be launched in the coming days and will include a facility directory, as well as a feedback form to evaluate proposed actions and achieve the delivery deadline for the basic file for evaluators,» a combined effort with the sliding day and «with the iconic Sports Palace, on the verge of reopening its doors. A development to assess the past four years in a continuous pursuit of sports excellence.»

The mayor also highlighted «the» effort and determined commitment of the city of Oviedo to shape sports in capital letters, promote physical activity in adulthood; work on the implementation of new facilities or the upgrade and improvement of existing ones and advance in the continuous support of grassroots sports equality, through the municipal plan for gender equality, prioritizing compliance with child protection and adolescence in sports.»

Conchita Méndez concluded: «There is much work ahead to meet the set goals, with an eye on 2026, without forgetting that every day the effort must be greater, to meet the demands of physical fitness and sports. As a vehicle for prevention and a means of working towards a solid sports legacy.»

La implementación del pago deportivo y la digitalización de las reservas son aspectos clave que el Departamento de Deporte Municipal ha abordado. Estas medidas buscan facilitar el acceso a los servicios deportivos y mejorar la experiencia de los usuarios. Además, se ha enfocado en la promoción de un estilo de vida saludable a través del desarrollo de deportes aficionados y clubes deportivos, así como la organización de eventos deportivos en los últimos cinco años.

El enfoque principal ha sido fomentar el deporte y la actividad física como herramientas fundamentales para el desarrollo de los más jóvenes. Se ha trabajado en la creación de un ambiente propicio para la práctica deportiva, con la intención de inculcar hábitos saludables desde una edad temprana. El Departamento se ha comprometido a seguir promoviendo un estilo de vida activo y saludable para todos, con un enfoque en la inclusión y la mejora de la calidad de vida de los vecinos.

Por otro lado, se han implementado medidas para mejorar la accesibilidad a los servicios deportivos, como la digitalización de las reservas y la creación de una página web para facilitar el acceso a la información. Estas acciones buscan hacer que los servicios deportivos sean más accesibles y fáciles de usar para todos los ciudadanos.

En cuanto a los eventos deportivos, se han destacado logros como el Campeonato de Natación de Distancia Española, que contó con más de 1.800 participantes, y el próximo Campeonato español y Maestro abierto de natación adaptada. Estos eventos son parte de los esfuerzos continuos del Departamento para promover el deporte y la actividad física en la comunidad.

En resumen, el Departamento de Deporte Municipal ha trabajado arduamente para promover un estilo de vida activo y saludable en la comunidad. A través de iniciativas innovadoras y programas deportivos, se ha buscado mejorar la calidad de vida de los vecinos y fomentar la práctica deportiva en todas las edades. El compromiso con la promoción del deporte y la actividad física como herramientas para el desarrollo personal y comunitario es evidente en todas las acciones llevadas a cabo por el Departamento. We cover the inclusion and improvement of the quality of life of our neighbors through innovative programs and initiatives. The local council, in the sports department, will continue on the path started, adding new initiatives, never losing the possibility of work and design prepared by the technical team of the department.

After detailing that this weekend «we will have more than 1,800 participants in the Spanish Long Distance Swimming Championship» and that in a few weeks the «Spanish Championship and Open Master of Adapted Swimming,» Conchita Méndez indicated: «In addition to these events and, in parallel, we are working on the development of a website, where we will have in the coming days a registry of facilities, as well as a participation mailbox to evaluate your proposed actions and achieve in the delivery period of the basic file for the evaluators,» a combined work with the sliding day and «with the emblematic Sports Palace, on the verge of reopening its doors. A development to evaluate the last four years in a constant search for sporting excellence.»

The mayor also highlighted «the» effort and the determined commitment of the city of Oviedo to design sports in capital letters, promote physical activity in adulthood; Work on the implementation of new facilities or the updating and improvement of existing ones and advance in the continuous support of basic sports in equality, through the municipal equality plan between women and men, giving priority to compliance with child protection and adolescence in sports.»

Conchita Méndez concluded: «There is a lot of work to fulfill the set goals, with an eye on 2026, without forgetting that every day the effort must be greater, to respond to the demand for physical activity and sports. As a vehicle for prevention and a vehicle for prevention with the purpose of working for a solid sports legacy».


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