This financial instrument, which has increased by 28% since the beginning of the legislature, is a key support for municipalities with less than 40,000 inhabitants. The Government of Asturias has approved the distribution of the Municipal Cooperation Fund today, endowed with eleven million, 10% more than last year, to strengthen the financial autonomy of the 74 councils with less than 40,000 inhabitants. The Principality has increased the allocation of this instrument by 27.9% since the beginning of the legislature, reaching its historical maximum. Additionally, it has committed to continue increasing it by 10% annually until reaching 13,310,000 euros in 2027.
The Ministry of Mobility, Local Cooperation, and Emergency Management is responsible for managing the fund, which has two main objectives: to strengthen the local economy and reinforce investments in municipalities with lower economic capacity.
The financial resources received through this instrument facilitate the operation of local entities and the implementation of actions in territories with lower population. The flexibility of this tool allows beneficiary councils to allocate the money they receive to the actions that suit them best, as it is not tied to a specific purpose. Thus, a large part of the funds are allocated to current expenses and complement the financing of the vast majority of municipalities.
The distribution of the eleven million from the Municipal Cooperation Fund is based on several criteria. For instance, 40% is distributed equally among the 74 beneficiary councils, so each will receive 59,459 euros this year. The rest of the allocation is divided according to the following indicators:
- Population: 30% (3,300,000 euros) responds to this criterion, aiming to compensate allocations to the most sparsely populated territories. Specific fixed amounts are established per population segments, with special support for councils with less than 2,500 inhabitants. The maximum limit set by this concept is 74,324 euros per municipality.
- Territorial dispersion: 19% (2,090,000 euros) is allocated based on the number of singular population entities with at least five inhabitants.
- Aging: 5% (550,000 euros) is distributed proportionally to the aging index developed by Sadei with population data as of January 1, 2024.
- Surface area: This aspect determines the distribution of 3% (330,000 euros), directly proportional to the size of each municipality.
- Orography: Another 3% (330,000 euros) is assigned proportionally to the square kilometers of surface area of councils with a slope greater than 20%.
Promotion of Clean Energies
The Government has approved an expenditure of 2.5 million for the call for subsidies for the use of renewable energies and actions to promote energy efficiency and savings. This call, funded with the Principality’s own funds, is aimed at private companies, self-employed workers, individuals, non-profit entities, and property communities that make investments in renewables or aimed at promoting energy savings and efficiency.
The assistance program encourages the use of biomass as fuel for thermal energy production (by replacing boilers), the production of electricity through mini-hydraulic turbines or wind turbines, geothermal systems for thermal energy production (heat or cold), the use of biogas, and the installation of alternative fuel refueling stations.
The Ministry of Ecological Transition publishes this call annually, which always achieves a high level of implementation. Last year, 96.46% of the budget was awarded, allowing payments totaling 1.93 million to finance 114 actions that generated an induced investment of 11.46 million.
Reinforcement of Labor Safety
The Government has increased the expenditure for the subsidy call aimed at acquiring machinery and work equipment to strengthen safety and reduce labor risks in companies to 755,000 euros. This increase is part of the social agreement.
The Asturian Institute of Occupational Risk Prevention (IPRL), an agency under the Ministry of Science, Companies, Training, and Employment, is responsible for managing these subsidies, covering improvements in machinery, work equipment, facilities, or equipment. The amount has been increasing in recent years. Thus, in 2022, 615,000 euros were allocated to this aid line, in 2023, grants amounting to 625,000 euros were awarded, and in 2024, they increased to 635,000 euros.
Last year, nearly fifty aids were granted to contribute to improving safety and health conditions at work and reducing accidents.
Adjustments in the Education Structure
The Government has approved a modification of the structure decree of the Ministry of Education, by which the Educational Inspection Service (SIE) now depends on the General Directorate of Teaching Staff. Until now, the SIE had a direct subordination to the minister, without organic support. With this change, the aim is to establish a more operational structure, strengthen the dialogue, and facilitate comprehensive monitoring of work dynamics.
The choice of the Directorate of Teaching Staff is because it already has a regular relationship with the service on relevant issues such as the appointment of directors or possible disciplinary proceedings against teachers. The organic structure of other communities has also been taken into account, as in most cases, Inspection depends on secretaries, general directorates, or sub-general directorates.
The modification of the organic structure will not affect the functions of the Educational Inspection Service in any way, as it will continue to maintain the same attributions and competencies.